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Matlab toolstrip – part 6 (complex controls)


In previous posts I showed how we can create custom Matlab app toolstrips using simple controls such as buttons and checkboxes. Today I will show how we can incorporate more complex controls into our toolstrip: button groups, edit-boxes, spinners, sliders etc.

Some custom Toolstrip Controls

Toolstrips can be a bit complex to develop so I’m proceeding slowly, with each post in the miniseries building on the previous posts. I encourage you to review the earlier posts in the Toolstrip miniseries before reading this post.

The first place to search for potential toostrip components/controls is in Matlab’s built-in toolstrip demos. The showcaseToolGroup demo displays a large selection of generic components grouped by function. These controls’ callbacks do little less than simply output a text message in the Matlab console. On the other hand, the showcaseMPCDesigner demo shows a working demo with controls that interact with some docked figures and their plot axes. The combination of these demos should provide plenty of ideas for your own toolstrip implementation. Their m-file source code is available in the %matlabroot%/toolbox/matlab/toolstrip/+matlab/+ui/+internal/+desktop/ folder. To see the available toolstrip controls in action and how they could be integrated, refer to the source-code of these two demos.

All toolstrip controls are defined by classes in the %matlabroot%/toolbox/matlab/toolstrip/+matlab/+ui/+internal/+toolstrip/ folder and use the matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip package prefix, for example:

% Alternative 1:
hButton = matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip.Button;
% Alternative 2:
import matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip.*
hButton = Button;

For the remainder of today’s post it is assumed that you are using one of these two alternatives whenever you access any of the toolstrip classes.

Top-level toolstrip controls

ControlDescriptionImportant propertiesCallbacksEvents
EmptyControlPlaceholder (filler) in container column(none)(none)(none)
LabelSimple text label (no action)Icon, Text (string)(none)(none)
ButtonPush-buttonIcon, Text (string)ButtonPushedFcnButtonPushed
ToggleButtonToggle (on/off) buttonIcon, Text (string), Value (logical true/false), ButtonGroup (a ButtonGroup object)ValueChangedFcnValueChanged
RadioButtonRadio-button (on/off)Text (string), Value (logical true/false), ButtonGroup (a ButtonGroup object)ValueChangedFcnValueChanged
CheckBoxCheck-box (on/off)Text (string), Value (logical true/false)ValueChangedFcnValueChanged
EditFieldSingle-line editboxValue (string)ValueChangedFcnValueChanged, FocusGained, FocusLost
TextAreaMulti-line editboxValue (string)ValueChangedFcnValueChanged, FocusGained, FocusLost
SpinnerA numerical spinner control of values between min,maxLimits ([min,max]), StepSize (integer), NumberFormat (‘integer’ or ‘double’), DecimalFormat (string), Value (numeric)ValueChangedFcnValueChanged, ValueChanging
SliderA horizontal slider of values between min,maxLimits ([min,max]), Labels (cell-array), Ticks (integer), UseSmallFont (logical true/false, R2018b onward), ShowButton (logical true/false, undocumented), Steps (integer, undocumented), Value (numeric)ValueChangedFcnValueChanged, ValueChanging
ListBoxList-box selector with multiple itemsItems (cell-array), SelectedIndex (integer), MultiSelect (logical true/false), Value (cell-array of strings)ValueChangedFcnValueChanged
DropDownSingle-selection drop-down (combo-box) selectorItems (cell-array), SelectedIndex (integer), Editable (logical true/false), Value (string)ValueChangedFcnValueChanged
DropDownButtonButton that has an associated drop-down selectorIcon, Text (string), Popup (a PopupList object)DynamicPopupFcn(none)
SplitButtonSplit button: main clickable part next to a drop-down selectorIcon, Text (string), Popup (a PopupList object)ButtonPushedFcn, DynamicPopupFcnButtonPushed, DropDownPerformed (undocumented)
GalleryA gallery of selectable options, displayed in-panelMinColumnCount (integer), MaxColumnCount (integer), Popup (a GalleryPopup object), TextOverlay (string)(none)(none)
DropDownGalleryButtonA gallery of selectable options, displayed as a drop-downMinColumnCount (integer), MaxColumnCount (integer), Popup (a GalleryPopup object), TextOverlay (string)(none)(none)

In addition to the control properties listed in the table above, all toolstrip controls share some common properties:

  • Description – a string that is shown in a tooltip when you hover the mouse over the control
  • Enabled – a logical value (default: true) that controls whether we can interact with the control. A disabled control is typically grayed-over. Note that the value is a logical true/false, not ‘on’/’off’
  • Tag – a string that can be used to uniquely identify/locate the control via their container’s find(tag) and findAll(tag) methods. Can contain spaces and special symbols – does not need to be a valid Matlab identifier
  • Children – contains a list of sub-component (if any); useful with complex controls
  • Parent – the handle of the container that contains the control
  • Type – the type of control, typically its class-name
  • Mnemonic – an undocumented string property, currently unused (?)
  • Shortcut – an undocumented string property, currently unused (?)

The EmptyControl, Button, ToggleButton and CheckBox controls were discussed in an earlier post of this miniseries. The bottom 6 selection controls (ListBox, DropDown, DropDownButton, SplitButton, Gallery and DropDownGalleryButton) will be discussed in the next post. The rest of the controls are described below.

Button groups

A ButtonGroup binds several CheckBox and ToggleButton components such that only one of them is selected (pressed) at any point in time. For example:

hSection = hTab.addSection('Radio-buttons');
hColumn = hSection.addColumn();
% Grouped RadioButton controls
hButtonGroup = ButtonGroup;
hRadio = RadioButton(hButtonGroup, 'Option choice #1');
hRadio.ValueChangedFcn = @ValueChangedCallback;
hRadio = RadioButton(hButtonGroup, 'Option choice #2');
hRadio.ValueChangedFcn = @ValueChangedCallback;
hRadio.Value = true;

Toolstrip ButtonGroup

Toolstrip ButtonGroup

Note that unlike the uibuttongroup object in “standard” figure GUI, the toolstrip’s ButtonGroup object does not have a SelectionChangedFcn callback property (or corresponding event). Instead, we need to set the ValueChangedFcn callback property (or listen to the ValueChanged event) separately for each individual control. This is really a shame – I think it would make good design sense to have a SelectionChangedFcn callback at the ButtonGroup level, as we do for uibuttongroup (in addition to the individual control callbacks).

Also note that the internal documentation of ButtonGroup has an error – it provides an example usage with RadioButton that has its constructor inputs switched: the correct constructor is RadioButton(hButtonGroup,labelStr). On the other hand, for ToggleButton, the hButtonGroup input is the [optional] 3rd input arg of the constructor: ToggleButton(labelStr,Icon,hButtonGroup). I think that it would make much more sense for the RadioButton constructor to follow the documentation and the style of ToggleButton and make the hButtonGroup input the last (2nd, optional) input arg, rather than the 1st. In other words, it would make more sense for RadioButton(labelStr,hButtonGroup), but unfortunately this is currently not the case.

Label, EditField and TextArea

A Label control is a simple non-clickable text label with an optional Icon, whose text is controlled via the Text property. The label’s alignment is controlled by the containing column’s HorizontalAlignment property.

An EditField is a single-line edit-box. Its string contents can be fetched/updated via the Value property, and when the user updates the edit-box contents the ValueChangedFcn callback is invoked (upon each modification of the string, i.e. every key-click). This is a pretty simple control actually.

The EditField control has a hidden (undocumentented) settable property called PlaceholderText, which presumably aught to display a gray initial prompt within the editbox. However, as far as I could see this property has no effect (perhaps, as the name implies, it is a place-holder for a future functionality…).

A TextArea is another edit-box control, but enables entering multiple lines of text, unlike EditField which is a single-line edit-box. TextArea too is a very simple control, having a settable Value string property and a ValueChangedFcn callback. Whereas EditField controls, being single-line, would typically be included in 2- or 3-element toolstrip columns, the TextArea would typically be placed in a single-element column, so that it would span the entire column height.

A peculiarity of toolstrip columns is that unless you specify their Width property, the internal controls are displayed with a minimal width (the width is only controllable at the column level, not the control-level). This is especially important with EditField and TextArea controls, which are often empty by default, causing their assigned width to be minimal (only a few pixels). This is corrected by setting their containing column’s Width:

% EditField controls
column1 = hSection.addColumn('HorizontalAlignment','right');
column1.add(Label('Daba doo:'))
column2 = hSection.addColumn('Width',70);
column2.add(EditField('Initial text'));
% TextArea control
column3 = hSection.addColumn('Width',90);
hEdit = TextArea;
hEdit.ValueChangedFcn = @ValueChangedCallback;

Toolstrip Label, EditField and TextArea

Toolstrip Label, EditField and TextArea


Spinner is a single-line numeric editbox that has an attached side-widget where you can increase/decrease the editbox value by a specified amount, subject to predefined min/max values. If you try to enter an illegal value, Matlab will beep and the editbox will revert to its last acceptable value. You can only specify a NumberFormat of ‘integer’ or ‘double’ (default: ‘integer’) and a DecimalFormat which is a string composed of the number of sub-decimal digits to display and the format (‘e’ or ‘f’). For example, DecimalFormat=’4f’ will display 4 digits after the decimal in floating-point format (‘e’ means engineering format). Here is a short usage example (notice the different ways that we can set the callbacks):

hColumn = hSection.addColumn('Width',100);
% Integer spinner (-100 : 10 : 100)
hSpinner = Spinner([-100 100], 0);  % [min,max], initialValue
hSpinner.Description = 'this is a tooltip description';
hSpinner.StepSize = 10;
hSpinner.ValueChangedFcn = @ValueChangedCallback;
% Floating-point spinner (-10 : 0.0001 : 10)
hSpinner = Spinner([-10 10], pi);  % [min,max], initialValue
hSpinner.NumberFormat = 'double';
hSpinner.DecimalFormat = '4f';
hSpinner.StepSize = 1e-4;
addlistener(hSpinner,'ValueChanged', @ValueChangedCallback);

Toolstrip Spinner

Toolstrip Spinner

A logical extension of the toolstrip spinner implementation would be for non-numeric spinners, as well as custom Value display formatting. Perhaps this will become available at some future Matlab release.


Slider is a horizontal ruler on which you can move a knob from the left (min Value) to the right (max Value). The ticks and labels are optional and customizable. Here is a simple example showing a plain slider (values between 0-100, initial value 70, ticks every 5, labels every 20, step size 1), followed by a custom slider (notice again the different ways that we can set the callbacks):

hColumn = hSection.addColumn('Width',200);
hSlider = Slider([0 100], 70);  % [min,max], initialValue
hSlider.Description = 'this is a tooltip';
tickVals = 0 : 20 : 100;
hSlider.Labels = [compose('%d',tickVals); num2cell(tickVals)]';  % {'0',0; '20',20; ...}
hSlider.Ticks = 21;  % =numel(0:5:100)
hSlider.ValueChangedFcn = @ValueChangedCallback;
hSlider = Slider([0 100], 40);  % [min,max], initialValue
hSlider.Labels = {'Stop' 0; 'Slow' 20; 'Fast' 50; 'Too fast' 75; 'Crash!' 100};
try hSlider.UseSmallFont = true; catch, end  % UseSmallFont was only added in R2018a
hSlider.Ticks = 11;  % =numel(0:10:100)
addlistener(hSlider,'ValueChanged', @ValueChangedCallback);

Toolstrip Slider

Toolstrip Slider

Toolstrip miniseries roadmap

The next post will discuss complex selection components, including listbox, drop-down, split-button, and gallery.

Following that, I plan to discuss toolstrip collapsibility, the ToolPack framework, docking layout, DataBrowser panel, QAB (Quick Access Bar), underlying Java controls, and adding toolstrips to figures – not necessarily in this order.
Matlab toolstrips can be a bit complex, so I plan to proceed in small steps, each post building on top of its predecessors.

If you would like me to assist you in building a custom toolstrip or GUI for your Matlab program, please let me know.

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