2012 perspective & plans for 2013
With 2012 behind us and a fresh 2013 ahead, it is time again for a short look at this website’s achievements so far, and plans for the future. I started this blog nearly four years ago, thinking it...
View ArticleCustomizing the standard figure toolbar, menubar
A few days ago, a client asked me to integrate an MRU (most-recently-used) file list in a Matlab GUI window. The naive approach was to add a new “Recent files” main menu, but this would look bad. Today...
View Articleuiinspect
After several years in which I have mentioned my uiinspect utility in posts, I figured it is high time to actually describe this utility in detail. uiinspect in action (Java, HG, COM) uiinspect,...
View ArticlepropertiesGUI
Last week I presented a detailed explanation of the uiinspect utility, which displays a GUI listing all the properties, callbacks and internal methods of an inspected object. Something like Matlab’s...
View ArticleSolving a Matlab hang problem
Closing a modal dialog may hang Matlab Every now and then I stumble on a case where Matlab hangs, becomes totally unresponsive and requires me to kill the Matlab process externally (via the task...
View ArticleGetting default HG property values
All Matlab’s Handle Graphics (HG) property have default values. These values are used unless we specifically override the property value. For example, in R2012a, Matlab figure handles have 62...
View ArticleCustomizing figure toolbar background
In one of my projects, I needed to present a radar (polar) plot. Such plots are usually drawn on a black background and I wanted all the plot controls to blend into this background. Matlab figure...
View ArticleMatclipse – Eclipse-Matlab interface
I am extremely pleased to host guest blogger Christopher Albert. Chris and his colleagues created and maintain the enormously-interesting (IMHO) and complex Matclipse project, which connects Java’s...
View ArticleHandle Graphics Behavior
Matlab’s Handle Graphics (HG) have been around for ages. Still, to this day it contains many hidden gems. Today I discuss HG’s Behavior property, which is a standard undocumented hidden property of all...
View ArticleHG’s undocumented parameters interface
Continuing last week’s article on Matlab Handle Graphics’ (HG) undocumented Behavior functionality, today I describe another undocumented aspect of HG. Some of the low-level HG functions, such as line...
View ArticleJTattoo look-and-feel demo
Three years ago, I wrote an article about modifying Matlab’s look-and-feel (L&F, or LnF), using Java’s built-in support for replaceable LnFs. To date, that article has 27 comments by 13 different...
View Articleishghandle’s undocumented input parameter
Two weeks ago I wrote about Matlab Handle Graphics (HG) undocumented acceptance of structs as input parameter to some plotting functions. Continuing in a related matter, today I expose an undocumented...
View ArticleParsing mlint (Code Analyzer) output
Mlint, Matlab’s static code-analysis parser, was written by Stephen Johnson (the original developer of the enormously successful lint parser for C/C++ back in 1977), when he was lured by MathWorks in...
View ArticleSetting class property types
When I wrote about the undocumented aspects of classdef properties half a year ago, I did not expect to learn of another major undocumented aspect in Matlab’s class-object system. last month I...
View ArticleImproving fwrite performance
Readers of this blog are probably aware by now that I am currently writing my second book, MATLAB Performance Tuning (expected publication date: early 2014, CRC Press). During my work on this book, I...
View ArticleNew York City visit, 21-24 May 2013
I’d like to break the regular flow of weekly articles, to announce that I will visit New York City on May 21-24, to speak at the Matlab Computational Finance Conference (May 23). I will be very happy...
View ArticleImproving save performance
Two weeks ago I posted an article about improving fwrite‘s performance. fwrite is normally used to store binary data in some custom pre-defined format. But we often don’t need or want to use such...
View ArticleHG2 update
Exactly three years ago, I posted information (here and here) about Matlab’s upcoming new graphics engine, so-called HG2 (Handle Graphics version 2). At the time, I was sure that HG2 was just around...
View ArticleDisplaying animated GIFs
Displaying images in Matlab figures has always been sort-of awkward. We need to read the image file into a Matlab matrix (possibly with accompanying colormap), then create an invisible axis in our...
View ArticleReal-time trading system demo
Last week I gave a presentation at the MATLAB Computational Finance Conference in New York. The room was packed-full with close to 200 professionals in the finance industry. The energy and feedback...
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