The HotLinks feature
Back in 2010, I posted about Matlab’s undocumented feature function. One of the features that I mentioned was 'HotLinks'. A few days ago I had an occasion to remember this feature when a StackOverflow...
View ArticleCustomizing contour plots part 2
A few weeks ago a user posted a question on Matlab’s Answers forum, asking whether it is possible to display contour labels in the same color as their corresponding contour lines. In today’s post I’ll...
View ArticleCustomizing uifigures part 3
As I have repeatedly posted in recent years, Matlab is advancing towards web-based GUI. The basic underlying technology is more-or-less stable: an HTML/Javascript webpage that is created-on-the-fly and...
View ArticleBuiltin PopupPanel widget
8 years ago I blogged about Matlab’s builtin HelpPopup widget. This control is used by Matlab to display popup-windows with help documentation, but can also be used by users to display custom...
View ArticlePlotEdit context-menu customization
Last week, a Matlab user asked whether it is possible to customize the context (right-click) menu that is presented in plot-edit mode. This menu is displayed by clicking the plot-edit (arrow) icon on...
View ArticleUsing SQLite in Matlab
MathWorks invests a huge amount of effort in recent years on supporting large distributed databases. The business case for this focus is entirely understandable, but many Matlab users have much simpler...
View ArticleToolbar button labels
I was recently asked by a client to add a few buttons labeled “1”-“4” to a GUI toolbar. I thought: How hard could that be? Simply get the toolbar’s handle from the figure, then use the builtin...
View ArticleCustomizing histogram plots
Earlier today, I was given the task of displaying a histogram plot of a list of values. In today’s post, I will walk through a few customizations that can be done to bar plots and histograms in order...
View ArticleCustomizing axes tick labels
In last week’s post, I discussed various ways to customize bar/histogram plots, including customization of the tick labels. While some of the customizations that I discussed indeed rely on undocumented...
View ArticleIP address input control
A few weeks ago, a user posted a question on Matlab Answers, asking whether it is possible to implement a text input control that accepts and validates an IP address (for example, ‘’)....
View ArticleAdding custom properties to GUI objects
Matlab objects have numerous built-in properties (some of them publicly-accessible/documented and others not, but that’s a different story). For various purposes, it is sometimes useful to attach...
View ArticleAuto-scale image colors
I deal extensively in image processing in one of my consulting projects. The images are such that most of the interesting features are found in the central portion of the image. However, the margins of...
View ArticleSpicing up the Matlab Editor
I’d like to introduce guest blogger Andreas Justin, who will discuss some way-cool features in his Editor Plugin utility. Many of his feature implementations are not Editor-specific and can be reused...
View ArticleSpeeding-up builtin Matlab functions – part 1
A client recently asked me to assist with his numeric analysis function – it took 45 minutes to run, which was unacceptable (5000 runs of ~0.55 secs each). The code had to run in 10 minutes or less to...
View ArticleSpeeding-up builtin Matlab functions – part 2
Last week I showed how we can speed-up built-in Matlab functions, by creating local copies of the relevant m-files and then optimizing them for improved speed using a variety of techniques. Today I...
View ArticleBlocked wait with timeout for asynchronous events
Readers of this website may have noticed that I have recently added an IQML section to the website’s top menu bar. IQML is a software connector that connects Matlab to DTN’s IQFeed, a financial...
View ArticleString/char compatibility
In numerous functions that I wrote over the years, some input arguments were expected to be strings in the old sense, i.e. char arrays for example, 'on' or 'off'. Matlab release R2016b introduced the...
View ArticleSliders in Matlab GUI – part 2
Exactly 3 years ago I posted about various alternatives for embedding sliders in Matlab GUI. Today I will follow up on that post with a description of yet another undocumented builtin alternative –...
View ArticlePlot legend customization
Three years ago I explained how we can use a couple of undocumented hidden properties of the legend in order to add a legend title (the legend object had no Title property back then – this was only...
View ArticleMulti-threaded Mex
I was recently asked by a consulting client to help speed up a Matlab process. Quite often there are various ways to improve the run-time, and in this particular case it turned out that the best option...
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