Customizing axes part 3
In the past two weeks I explained how HG2 (in R2014b) enables us to customize the axes rulers, baselines, box and grid-lines in ways that were previously impossible in HG1 (R2014a or earlier). Today I...
View ArticleCustomizing axes part 4 – additional properties
In the past three weeks I explained how HG2 (in R2014b) enables us to customize the axes rulers, back-drop, baselines, box and grid-lines in ways that were previously impossible in HG1 (R2014a or...
View ArticlePlot line transparency and color gradient
In the past few weeks, I discussed the new HG2 axes Backdrop and Baseline properties with their associated ability to specify the transparency level using a fourth (undocumented) element in their...
View ArticlePlot markers transparency and color gradient
Last week I explained how to customize plot-lines with transparency and color gradient. Today I wish to show how we can achieve similar effects with plot markers. Note that this discussion (like the...
View ArticleAnother couple of Matlab bugs and workarounds
Every now and then I come across some internal Matlab bugs. In many cases I find a workaround and move on, sometimes bothering to report the bugs to MathWorks support, but often not. In truth, it’s a...
View ArticleTransparency in uicontrols
I would like to welcome back guest blogger Robert Cumming, an independent UK contractor who developed a commercial class-based Matlab GUI framework. Today, Robert will highlight how he customized the...
View ArticleNew book: Accelerating MATLAB Performance
I am pleased to announce that after three years of research and hard work, following my first book on Matlab-Java programming, my new book “Accelerating MATLAB Performance” is finally published. The...
View Article2014 perspective & plans for 2015
With 2014 behind us and a fresh 2015 ahead, it is time again for a short look at this website’s achievements so far, and plans for the future.I started this blog back in 2009, expecting the website to...
View ArticleUnorthodox checkbox usage
A few weeks ago, Robert Cumming explained how we can use a Matlab uicontrol’s CData property to provide an optical illusion of a transparent background. Today I will discuss another usage of this...
View Articleexport_fig
I would like to introduce guest blogger Oliver Woodford. For the past several years Oliver has been a top contributor on the Matlab File Exchange, and several of his utilities have earned the...
View ArticleMatlab compiler bug and workaround
I recently consulted at a client who uses R2010a and compiles his code for distribution. Debugging compiled code is often tricky, since we do not have the Matlab desktop to help us debug stuff (well,...
View ArticleAccessing hidden HG2 plot functionality
I received two separate reader queries in the past 24 hours, asking how to access certain functionalities in HG2 (R2014b)’s new graphics system. These functionalities were previously accessible in HG1...
View ArticleSimulink Data Dictionary
Once again I wish to welcome guest blogger Donn Shull. Donn has previously written a series of articles on Matlab’s previous-generation class-object system (UDD). Today Donn explores a little-known yet...
View ArticleCustomizing Matlab uipanels
The major innovation in Matlab release R2014b was the introduction of the new handle-based graphics system (HG2). However, this release also included a few other improvements to graphics/GUI that...
View ArticleTransparent legend
I’ve been working lately on Matlab program for a client, which attempts to mimic the appearance and behavior of MetaTrader charts, which are extensively used by traders to visualize financial...
View ArticleFrameless (undecorated) figure windows
All Matlab figures have a standard frame around them, consisting of a border and title bar. In some cases it could be useful to present a figure window, displaying only the contents without the border...
View ArticleUsing Infiniband with Matlab Parallel Computing Toolbox
I would like to welcome guest blogger Brock Palen, who is the Associate Director for Advanced Research Computing at the University of Michigan. Brock worked in High Performance computing since 2004 and...
View ArticlePlot legend title
This blog post was supposed to be a piece of cake: The problem description was that we wish to display a text title next to the legend box in plot axes. Sounds simple enough. After all, in HG1 (R2014a...
View ArticleHandle object as default class property value
We all know the benefits of setting default class-property values: it saves coding, increases class readability, improves maintainability and reduces the potential for coding bugs due to uninitialized...
View ArticleUndocumented view transformation matrix
Everyone knows Matlab’s view function, right? You know, the function that can set a 3D plot to the proper orientation angles and/or return the current plot’s azimuth/elevation angles. I’ve used it...
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