Auto-completion widget
Do you ever get a feeling when designing a Matlab GUI, that existing components/controls are simply not enough to achieve the desired functionality/appearance?Such a case happened to me, when a...
View ArticleGeneral-use object copy
When using Matlab objects, either a Matlab class (MCOS) or any other (e.g., Java, COM, C# etc.), it is often useful to create a copy of the original object, complete with all internal property values....
View Articlecopyobj behavior change in HG2
As a followup to last-week’s post on class-object and generic data copies, I would like to welcome back guest blogger Robert Cumming, who developed a commercial Matlab GUI framework. Today, Robert will...
View ArticleUndocumented HG2 graphics events
R2014b brought a refreshing new graphics engine and appearance, internally called HG2 (the official marketing name is long and impossible to remember, and certainly not as catchy). I’ve already posted...
View ArticlePersisting transparent colors in HG2
Several months ago, I showed how we can set semi- and fully-transparent colors in HG2 (Matlab’s new graphics engine, starting in R2014b) for multiple graphic objects, including plot lines, plot...
View ArticleSliders in Matlab GUI
One of my consulting clients asked me last week if I knew an easy way to integrate a range (dual-knob) slider control in Matlab GUI. Today’s post is an expansion of the answer I provided him, which I...
View ArticleSome performance-tuning tips
Today’s post is about performance. My goal is to show that contrary to widespread perception, Matlab is not inherently too slow to be used for real-life programs. In fact, by taking a small amount of...
View ArticleJGraph in Matlab figures
I would like to introduce guest blogger Scott Koch. Scott is part of the development team at Eigenvector Research Inc., makers of PLS_Toolbox, a commercial chemometrics and multivariate data analysis...
View ArticleCapturing print events
As a followup to my recent post on capturing and using HG2′s new graphic events, I would like to welcome back guest blogger Robert Cumming, who developed a commercial Matlab GUI framework. Today,...
View ArticleMatlab designs by Tim Smith
Matlab has undergone significant facelifts in recent years: Matlab Mobile (first introduced in 2010, with various upgrades since), R2012b’s new desktop toolstrip, various Matlab Central’s website...
View ArticleUsing linkaxes vs. linkprop
One of my clients recently asked me to solve a very peculiar problem: He had several axes and was using Matlab’s builtin linkaxes function to link their axis limits. However, it didn’t behave quite the...
View ArticleStatic Java classpath hacks
A few days ago I encountered a situation where I needed to incorporate a JAR file into Matlab’s static Java classpath. I came across several relevant hacks that I thought could be useful for others:The...
View ArticleAccessing internal Java class members
Following my previous post on using the Java classloader, I thought I’d follow up today with a somewhat-related peculiarity.Inner classesWhenever we have an enum or inner-class defined within a Java...
View ArticleSolving an mput (FTP) hang problem
Matlab includes a variety of builtin utility functions that enable easy access to FTP. These functions are basically methods of an FTP object using Matlab’s old class system (for example, the mput...
View ArticleCallback functions performance
Matlab enables a variety of ways to define callbacks for asynchronous events (such as interactive GUI actions or timer invocations). We can provide a function handle, a cell-array (of function handle...
View ArticleAdding dynamic properties to graphic handles
A client recently asked me to extend one of Matlab’s built-in graphic containers (uiflowcontainer in this specific case) with automatic scrollbars that would enable the container to act as a...
View ArticleFont selection components
I’ve written here in the past about how Matlab includes multiple alternatives for color selection, plot-type selection and date selection components, that can easily be integrated in Matlab figures...
View ArticleHyperlink text labels
It is often useful to include hyperlinked text labels in GUIs. Such labels provide single-click access to important functionality, improve branding, and are non-intrusive action controls having a lower...
View ArticleEnabling user callbacks during zoom/pan
An annoying side-effect of Matlab figure uimodes (zoom, pan and rotate3d) is that they disable the user’s figure-wide callbacks (KeyPressFcn, KeyReleaseFcn, WindowKeyPressFcn, WindowKeyReleaseFcn,...
View ArticleFigure keypress modifiers
Matlab figures have a documented property called SelectionType that returns information about keypress modifiers such as or that were pressed during mouse clicks. Using this property has several...
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